CONsortium of European Companies Determined To Use Superconductivity

European Gateway to the World of Industrial Superconductivity

The primary objective of Conectus is to strengthen the basis for commercial applications of superconductivity for stakeholders in Europe.


…is a consortium of European companies with the shared vision that commercialization of superconductivity will translate into significant benefits to economy and society.
…provides a platform for industry to exchange information and to provide a united voice on public policy issues of common interest to superconductivity stakeholders.


…seek to ensure that the benefits of superconductivity are fully realized by decision-makers in industry, academia and governments.…unite to advocate for key priorities and adequate government support focused on superconductor-related research, development and industrial projects.


  • CONECTUS Welcomes a new member – SUBRA
    We are happy to annonce a new CONECTUS member. SUBRA is a Danish company focusing on innovation, industrial scale production and making a sustainable impact through energy technology development and global collaboration. Founded in 2014, SUBRA A/S is a spin-out from the Technical University of Denmark and is based on more than 15 years of innovation and research in superconductor technology and surface science. More info about SUBRA
  • European Workshop on Superconductivity for Sustainable Energy Systems and Particle Accelerators
    Institutes and Industry joined forces for an international workshop on the impact of superconductivity for increased sustainability of energy systems and particle accelerators. The workshop was hosted by the GSI, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH a Helmholtz institute at Darmstadt, Germany and was organized by GSI together with CONECTUS, the European association of companies in superconductivity. From October 18th to 20th 2023 experts on superconductivity discussed recent progress in the   development of superconducting material and devices for enhanced sustainability. The workshop was a great forum for exchange between the communities of accelerators and energy systems, and also for communication between participants … Read more
  • CONECTUS will host Summer School in Prague
    The ESAS Summer School on Superconductivity organized and hosted by CONECTUS will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, on June 24-28, 2024. Given the nature of CONECTUS Association, in addition to general theoretical topics, our School will be focusing mainly on practical applications and also showcase industrial use of superconductivity. More info.

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